Each lake community has to develop the dam rehabilitation solution that is right for them. Meadow Lake faces unique challenges that other, more developed lakes do not. That’s why we needed to develop an approach that was realistic and actionable, including looking for ways to value-engineer a cost-effective solution. We won’t fully know costs until we complete this critical study, but we believe our approach will result in a solution that we can afford.
The WCID will be investigating financing solutions for the dam rehabilitation which may include:
District Funds Debt (Meadow Lake WCID)
Financing Mechanisms to Reduce WCID Debt
Local Government Revenues
The City of Seguin has pledged $5,000,000​ and has transferred $1.36M of this to the WCID in order to begin final engineering.
DOE Maintaining and Enhancing Hydroelectricity Incentives Grant ($5M) - applied Oct. 2023; not awarded as DOE believes our FERC exemption disqualifies us.
US Bureau of Reclamation WaterSmart Grant ($2-$5M) - will apply for in October 2024
We can and intend to pursue grants even after construction has begun
Other Revenues
Potential recreational revenue from Nolte Island - nothing agreed, but GBRA open to discussing later on
Potential revenue from GBRA property leases on Meadow Lake - again, GBRA open to discussing
Portion of Hydro Revenues
Low Interest Loan
​US Corps Water Infrastructure Financing Program - 0.5% to 1.0% reduction to market interest rates, 35 year term to be paid after completion of construction, flexible structuring of debt; pre-application was submitted by due date Dec. 18, 2023. Were invited to submit a full application which will be submitted fall/winter 2024.
MLNDA's updated fundraising costs were as follows (crossed through amounts had already been used). Due to the benefit concert in July 2024, all fundraising needs were met for 2023/24.
**The WCID relied on donations to fund operating expenses for fiscal year 2023-24 since NO taxes were levied. It is legal for MLNDA to make donations to a government entity (no different from donating to the city to fund the Engineering Study). ​Taxes levied at the end of 2024 will pay for the operating and administrative costs of the WCID in 2025. Note that WCID Board members are un-paid.